Get fuller and faster service by having ASUS account. Don't have ASUS account yet? Sign up now. Hello, i need Help. I just upgraded my netbook model Asus Eee PC T101MT from windows 7 to windows 10 and after that an asus ACPI service keeps on telling me. What is this? -- ACPI driver for ATK 0110. I found this in the driver download area at Asus' site. Do I need it? What does it do? :?: Windows Vista Premium. Asus ACPI Driver was created by ASUSTek Computer. You need to have Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 running on your computer in order to install this software package. Should I remove Asus ACPI Driver by ASUS? This is the software driver package for the installed Asus ACPI. Author: MUP Posted: 11/20/2009 10:34:00 PM Upgraded to Windows 7 x64. Installed the latest Chipset driver: V9111019 from the ASUS site. I get the yellow triangle next. Hi, i try install Windows 7. Everythings great! Eee PC works smoothly and nice, but i cant install ACPI driver. Everytime, install turns on, but for a while.... .. Download ASUS ATK ACPI Driver/Utility 1.0.0039 for Windows 10 Upgrade Motherboard. I installed Windows 10 on my ASUS pc 1015px notebook and since the install a box constantly opens everytime you close it saying Missing ASUS ACPI Driver.